So why no words? Do I feel under pressure to make it snappy and interesting because I've got my MA in Creative Writing now? Is it just because I'm quite a private person and putting myself out there freaks me out a little bit? Or is it just because I'm lazy?
Why have I decided to blog? These are the reasons I can think of off the top of my head.
- Now that I've finished my MA, I'm trying to become noticed as a writer. And I keep reading that a writer should have an online presence.
- Writing is a muscle and needs to be exercised, this is like going to the gym in writing terms.
- Since I hit my thirties, I've become a lot more ranty about issues. This is a good way for me to vent my feelings and save my boyfriend's ears.
- I used to keep a diary, and I miss the stream of consciousness that springs from just writing about your day and what's been happening in your life.