Recently I’ve started listening to Radio Scotland while I’m walking to work in the morning. It keeps me up to date with what’s going on in the world, and doesn’t have any radio adverts or chart trash to annoy me. I’m usually still a wee bit sleepy, and I like having the voices wash over me. I can tune in or tune out as I wish. Good music works in the same way, but I like the daily hit of news that I get from Radio Scotland .
The best days are when, hidden amongst the wars/failing economy/corrupt politicians, there’s a quirky or uplifting story. Something unusual that stands out.
Yesterday was a great example of this, with a report about Adam Bojelian. Adam is an eleven year old boy who writes poetry. He has won a Brit Writers’ Award and a Gold Blue Peter badge for his poems, which is amazing enough in itself. What makes it even more amazing though is the fact that Adam is blind and suffers from serious health problems.
He communicates by blinking and writes all his poems in this way. On his blog he says that it can take him days to write one line, and months to complete a full poem.
After listening to the report about him, I went online to look at his blog and read some of his poems. I was so impressed by them. They have a surreal, humorous edge to them, and reminded me a bit of Spike Milligan’s verse. He is very talented! I especially like his one about gibbons which you can read here.
He’s really inspired me, and made me feel quite humble. He faces a huge struggle everyday, but has managed to achieve so much and write so well. If I want to write, it’s easy. All I have to do is pick up a pen or turn on my laptop. It’s made me appreciate what I have all the more. Next time I’m lazing about on the sofa or looking up facebook when I should be writing, I’ll think of Adam and his poetry.